Manfrotto MT290XTC3 karbon stativ
One of this tripods’s standout features has to be it's lightweight carbon composite legs. Apart from making this an easy-to-carry piece of kit, the use of carbon composite means that the legs stay totally rigid when up, so you won't have to worry about them buckling under pressure, or vibrating when you're working to catch that perfect shot. There are 3 legs to this stand, which can be easily folded down when not in use, and speedily put up when you're starting the shoot.
To combat any signs of wear and tear, the durable, tension-adjustable magnesium leg locks can be tightened as required, extending the stand’s lifespan even further. Getting started is a doddle too. you simply screw the monopod directly onto the tripod mount beneath your camera, and adapt for other gear as required with the handy, universal 6.35mm and 9.5mm attachments.
Materijal: Karbon
Boja: Crna
Broj izvlaka: 3
Spojni navoj za glavu: 3/8
Okrugla libela na stativu: --
Diam.cent.cijevi: -
Kut nogu:25°. 46° . 66° . 88°
Diam. noge: 25.3, 21.7, 18.2mm
Maks. visina: 165.5cm
Visina (spuštena cent.cijev): 142.0 cm
Visina (skupljeni): 62.7cm
Min. visina: 30.5 cm
Maksimalna nosivost: 5,0 kg
Težina: 1540g
Garancija: 24 mj
Proizvedeno: Italija