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Manfrotto BEFREE LIVE Alu. stativ + gratis mikrofon JOBY JB01734 / BDL

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Original price €327,50 - Original price €327,50
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€327,50 - €327,50
Current price €327,50

Kompaktan, izdržljiv i svestran. Manfrotto MK290LTA3-V je set koji se sastoji od aluminijskog stativa MT290LTA3 i Befree LIVE video glave MVH400AH.
Stativ ima 3 izvlake. Novi inovativni dizajn i tehnička dostignuća dio su vrhunskih performansi ovog stativa.

Noge MT290LTA3 stativa se mogu brzo proširiti i prilagoditi, zahvaljujući brzim kopčama koje blokiraju i deblokiraju svaki dio (sekciju) nogu. Intuitivni selektori kuta nogu dopuštaju da svaku nogu samostalno, čvrsto postavite na jedan od dva kuta. Ključno obilježje stativa je njegov središnji stupac sa mehanizmom. To ovaj stativ čini iznimno svestranim stativom pogodnim za razne fotografske i video primjene.
MK290LTA3-V je proizveden u Italiji.

Specifikacija stativa:
Model: MK290LTA3-3v
Materijal: Aluminij, Technopolymer
Boja: Crna
Broj izvlaka: 3
Spojni navoj za glavu: 3/8
Okrugla libela na stativu:
Diam.cent.cijevi: -
Kut nogu: 23°.51°
Diam. noge: 15.5, 19, 22.5mm
Maks. visina: 146cm
Visina (spuštena cent.cijev): 127cm
Visina (skupljeni): 59,5cm
Min. visina: 42,5 cm
Maksimalna nosivost: 4,0 kg
Težina: 1800g

Specifikacija glave:
Model: MVH400AH
Priključak za aparat: 200PL 1/4"
Brza izmjena: da
Libela: 1
Pomak V: -90°/+65°
Pomak pano: 360°
Navoj pločice: 1/4" / 3/8"
Navoj postolja: 3/8" (ženski)
Libela: Da
Maks. nosivost: 8kg
Težina: 380g
Visina: 9,7cm

Garancija: 24 mj
Proizvedeno: Italija

GRATIS JOBY mikrofon Wavo Plus:
is the step-up mic for aspiring creators who want high-quality audio with ease.

Made for compact premium vlogging cameras, Wavo Plus opens the doors to a better audio recording experience with a closer look at what happens in real-time while shooting.

Wavo Plus creates a new approach to audio, the headphones' 3.5mm input combined with handy volume control allows creators to better monitor background noise that might otherwise go unnoticed. The 100Hz high-pass filter eliminates low noises, creating clean, crisp audio and actively reduces editing time.

This high-quality microphone features an auto-power mode, switching on and off by sensing the camera's behaviour. Wavo Plus will be ready when the camera is and will save battery when the job is complete.

We understand that there are certain once-in-a-lifetime moments for capturing audio, which is why the Wavo Plus features a -10db safety track to ensure no audio is lost, as well as a second track with safe audio as a backup. The microphone also features an LED traffic light system to indicate the battery status, changing from green to amber to red when the battery is low.

The Wavo Plus features a USB Type-C port that works instantly with your Mac or PC for recording voiceovers so no matter the assignment or where you're travelling, you can ensure excellent, clear audio.

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