Manfrotto 231B Column Stand Black
The Manfrotto 231B Column Stand with Sliding Arm is a black anodized aluminum, wheeled, single column stand that is perfect for studio use. It features a spring-loaded sliding arm that allows quick height adjustment of your light fixture from almost floor level to nearly the top-most of its 8' chromium steel column.
The 231 has a leveling leg, which extends and locks, making the load more stable on uneven surfaces such as steps.
Model: 231B
Materijal baze: Aluminij
Materijal izvlaka:Aluminij
Boja: Crna
Spojni priključak: 5/8" trn (16mm) sa 1/4" i 3/8" navojem
Broj izvlaka:
Maks. visina: 250.0cm
Min. visina: 35.0cm
Visina (skupljeni): 121.0cm
Promjer izvlaka cent.cijevi:Ø mm
Promjer cijevi noge:Ø--mm
Radijus nogu: 100cm
Maksimalna nosivost: 8,0 kg
Težina: 6400g
Garancija: 24 mj
Proizvedeno: Italija